Saturday, July 9, 2011

Woo Hoo!!!

I lost another pound!! Sooo excited that things are actually paying off! I am not doing any exercise during the week though so I think if I start doing yoga like I planned that will help me sleep better and will burn more calories! But good news is that since I started tracking my weight in February, I am down one pound! Sounds bad but I actually went up 9 pounds from the February weight and lost all of that plus 1 pound!! Yea for not being able to eat greasy hamburgers or greasy french fries or drink soda pop! I actually drink close to 64 oz of water or juice every day and I am going to get back on my diuretic for my blood pressure so that will help flush things out too :) So, overall, I think things are going great with that goal!
Job-wise I am going to start applying to every freaking nursing home and hospital in Utah county so that when I graduate I will hopefully have a job lined up and then I will take my state exam on August 2nd and hopefully rock it so I can get my state certification right away and be able to have a great job instead of the one that I like and hate at the same time :) Although I am kinda scared about having to take on all my financial responsibilities again and worried I won't be able to do it! But I am sure since I have been paying tithing and keeping the commandments that Heavenly Father will bless me with everything I need :)

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