Sunday, July 3, 2011


So, I realized tonight that I can be a super hormonal idiot sometimes! A guy broke up with me that I was SUPER done dating anyway and yet somehow I'm all bitter about it and didn't want to talk to him AT ALL at the concert tonight. Not only is he in my sister's ward, he is in the choir that two of my sisters and my mom are in. So, I go to the concert tonight secretly praying that he won't be there or if he does go that he will not talk to me at all. HA! I have never been that lucky in my life! He walked right up to me and gave me a half hug cuz I was sitting down and asked how I was doing. I gave him a slight hug back and said great thanks how are you? to which he replied that he was good etc etc. I have no idea why I acted so childish tonight. He wouldn't tell me why he broke up with me so I have been ticked off about that and ticked off that I was rejected by the guy who is a giant loser! Super stupid and hormonal no? YES!!! Grrr I hate it when I get that way and yet don't want to let it go for some reason. Maybe I was waiting to see if he was going to act like a childish dork and that's what I was prepared for. But no, he was totally fine with no regrets and talking to my family like they were all good friends. Part of me is feeling really mature right now and wants my family to give him the cold shoulder too but that wouldn't be Christlike at all so I am stuck with totally invalidated feelings even from myself! ARG! I mean I could list a ton of reasons why I didn't want to go out with him and his reasons are probably very hurtful so that's most likely why he didn't want to say why. There that feels a little better! So, just like I spared his ego by me not breaking up with him, he spared my feelings by not telling me why he broke up with me :) Feeling better now!

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