Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Grande Finale

So my CNA class is finally over. I am both extatic and depressed about this. I am sad because that class had a ton of awesome people in it that I will really miss socializing with and there were a couple of people in it that I would be totally great with never seeing them again in my life :). Anyhoo, I learned a lot and am very hopeful of getting a full-time job now but we'll see how it goes!
My stress levels are still sky high despite all major efforts so I think I need to step up my game and not do the avoidance technique and that will help a lot. I need to really push myself this week to get more applications in and get my freakin apartment super clean so when I come home from a long day I'm not looking around at all the crap I need to get done!
So, I text the guy I was dating in June, just to say hi and kind of try and smooth things over. It worked! We were very nice to one another and got caught up on all the goings on etc it was great. He even admitted that he missed me and that his saying that he didn't think we should see each other anymore was an over-reaction to both of us having a bad day. That got me thinking if I would date him again and my answer this week would be yes cuz I am way lonely and he made me feel fantastic at first. And I wonder if things have really changed enough in my life for me to be able to date right now or if it's still just too crazy but then I think that it's always going to be crazy but I do need to be able to cope with things better so we'll see where that gets me :D
My Mom told me this morning that it would be a lot easier if I could get a job down there and move down there :) I would love Springville but I love Orem so much more and I really don't want to move all the way down there. But it would be good for me to be closer to Mom and Dad and my niece etc. Guess we'll see how that turns out too lol

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