Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Motivation Motivation Wherefore Art Thou?

I really have no desire to go to work or my dentist appt today. I don't want to do work cuz my ankle still hurts from Saturday and I just don't want to deal with my kids there even though it will be for less time today. I don't want to go to the dentist cuz he is going to give a recommendation on if I need a root canal or just a filling cuz my regular dentist couldn't decide so he sent me to a specialist :/. Not such a big fan of either situation so I am trying to delay the inevitable and it's just stressing me out.
Oh and last night the guy I mentioned in the previous post was being super immature about things so I don't feel so bad about my behavior. I did apologize to him Sunday night in a text so I covered my bases so no harm no foul but he was all ticked at one phrase in my text: I am truly glad it's over. There was an explaination for my behavior and an apology in that text as well but a day latter that was the phrase that he was all hurt by and HE IS THE ONE THAT BROKE UP WITH ME!! Doesn't make any sense what-so-ever!! It was really upsetting me last night but I talked things out with a great friend and realized he is just still playing the manipulating game and that he is just like all the other guys I have dated! LAME!! So, that scrubs song by TLC is going to be my new motto with dating lol

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