Saturday, August 20, 2011


Well, I passed both my state exams and actually got a 95% on the written exam so I am officially a CNA :) Hopefully not another worthless acronym next to my name but we'll see if I can get a flippin job! I did have a great interview on Friday with a care center in Pleasant Grove and hopefully will hear back from them this upcoming week. It looks like a great facility and the lady that interviewed me was great and easy to talk to and said my answers were great and that she was going to pass my resume etc on to the lady that actually is in charge of hiring. I am just praying that this will be it and I can finally have a full time job with benefits and be able to provide for my family without state assistance or family help. Don't get me wrong I am extremely grateful for the help that I have gotten but I desperately want to do this on my own! I guess it's a selfish pride thing and that's why I have been humbled many times because I haven't accepted the fact that I can never do anything on my own that I need my Heavenly Father for all things and my family here on earth as well!
I have been really struggling lately with a ton of jealousy issues. My niece got married yesterday and didn't invite the majority of the family. I hate not being a part of things cuz I always think that means that they don't like me and I enjoy being liked but it's not as necessary as it used to be. My nephew from that same family is dating a girl I met in my CNA class that I hooked him up with (cuz I have skills lol j/k had almost nothing to do with me) and, another nephew just announced his engagement to a super great girl! I am super jealous of their happiness and weddings that I never get to be a part of and it just sucks! I really don't know how to get over this one! I want my own big wedding to a fantastic guy that is my own personal brand of Prince Charming and I honestly don't know how that is EVER going to happen! But, I guess I just need to turn that over to Heavenly Father cuz the only thing I can do about it is get my status in the church reinstated and get going to the temple as often as I can get a babysitter and get a great job so that I know once again that I can do this whole single parent thing and that I am not required to have a man in my life in order to be happy!!

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