Sunday, August 21, 2011

I don't wanna!

I really want to stomp my foot and yell I don't wanna! Been one of those days today and not too optimistic for tomorrow! But, thankfully tomorrow is the LAST day that my kids will ever come to work with me (while I work that is)! Then they start school on Tuesday!! WOOT WOOT!!! Ever since Hannah started school it really hasn't been that big of a deal for me but since they have had to come to work with me every day for the past 2 months, I am SUPER excited that they will never have to do that again! And, my hours will prolly be cut way back cuz of school starting I'm sure she won't have enough work for me for 4 hours a day so, I will be able to spend that much more time job hunting! So, although it will suck for the paycheck, I am excited to be able to have so much kid-free time to be able to go fill out applications and hopefully score some interviews :) I really do hope that I get the job I interviewed for on Friday but I am not planning on anything going that smoothly but then again maybe because I have actually been trying to do what I should be doing for a change, I might be blessed to have something go that smoothly for a change!! We'll see :)
Got to hold a super cute lil baby today! Really made me miss when Hannah and Isaac were that little and actually l0ved their Mommy and didn't fight or yell or kick or scream or destroy the house! I do love that they can talk sometimes and I do really love that Hannah actually does talk to me about the big stuff, I just wish that things were more under control in our lives so that they could have a non-zombie Mom and some stability and a schedule!! Thankfully, with school they will have a schedule and structure and we can get in some good habits for their schooling!! Optimism right??!!

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