Saturday, August 27, 2011

Good Things Do Come To Those Who Wait and Wait and Wait

Well it finally happened!! I got a job!! I started calling care centers on the 17th and found a few that were hiring for the graveyard shift so while my good friend Brooke watched the kids for me, I went to one in Orem and filled out the application and then tried to find the one in American Fork to fill out the app. and couldn't find it! I almost gave up and on the way to the highway entrance I knew of in PG, I found it! So I went in, filled out the app. and went back to Orem to collect the children. The next day, I got a call to set up an interview for Friday! That went very well and we even talked a lil about the firing issue! She said she would be giving my papers to the lady that is in charge of hiring and I should hear back from her the next week. Well, by Wednesday the 24th I still hadn't heard from anyone so I called them on the premise of asking some questions about benefits and the lady who was supposed to call me answered the phone instead and set up a 2nd interview for the 25th. That interview went even better and she even said she 'had to admit I like you' and that she would let me know the next day her decision because she had a couple more interviews the next morning and if I didn't hear from her to call her by 3. Well, I hopped in the shower around 1:00 to get ready to go pick up the kids and while I was in there she called my cell and left a message. So, when I called her back, she offered me the job!! It will be the graveyard shift which works out perfectly cuz I have someone that is willing to come sleep here so there is someone here for the kids, and then I will come home and take the kids to school, and then sleep while they are at school and be able to be with them until they go to bed!! SWEET DEAL!!! I feel so extremely blessed right now it is unreal! I was so worried that it would be another repeat of trying to get an MA job and no one would hire me but Heavenly Father blessed me to be able to be in the right place at the right time ( the graveyard shift opened up the day of my interview) and now I will be working in a great facility run by great LDS people!! So excited!!!
And, now that I am not stressing about finding a job, I am very hopeful that this flippin weight will finally come off! Seriously getting frustrated with it cuz I drink a ton of water, get exercise, and really don't eat poorly anymore and I'm still not losing any more and have actually gained 5 pounds back! Grr!! So, that is my new project to focus on is to lose weight finally and be able to fit into my size 18 clothes by October! 5 weeks away and I have about 6 inches to lose around my waist before that can happen so we'll see how it goes but I am very optimistic since my stress level is going down substantially!!

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