Monday, April 4, 2011

Alrighty Then

Started the "diet" today... kinda bombed :( I did make myself eggs and toast for breakfast so that was good and I drank a ton of water today and no pop so those were awesome accomplishments! I didn't eat a good lunch and the dinner was actually probably pretty good for me :) Lunch is being excused by the fact that I was at the daycare and couldn't eat their lunch and had to grab something on the way to the daycare from my other job so there :P lol
Anyhoo, tomorrow I will still drink more water and that will help a lot and I will exercise when I get home from work so I can take a shower, pick up Isaac from school and then apply for jobs before I pick up Hannah. Then the rest of the day can be spent reading with the kids and then playing outside if it's nice :) There, now that I have a plan hopefully that will help me not procrastinate and be lazy lol...
Well, as far as job hunt goes, I found a few leads this weekend so I am going to apply to those tomorrow and am still waiting to hear back from an interview I had on the 24th of March but this company is notorious for taking their sweet time. So, in the mean time I will continue to apply for other jobs. I just really really need to get this boat movin cuz I am going nuts at my job now and really need to be able to support myself and my kids and get a great place to live :) So, for now I will just keep pluggin away and not give up and something will happen!!
Love life is going well also. The family finally met the boyfriend Paul :) So far the comments have been that he is really nice and my friends that met him on Friday said the same so I think it's going well per public opinion :) The rest of the family will meet him on Saturday at Hannah's baptism. Which reminds me that my Mom and I are going shopping for Hannah's dress after school so I need to hit the hay and I won't be able to do the reading/playing with the kids thing lol Dad and Isaac will just be hanging out... lol hope they have fun!
~Until Next Time....

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