Sunday, June 26, 2011


Holy crazy batman! Yeah I've probably said it a million times but life has been insane again! I started school on June 13th to become a CNA because I still couldn't get a job as a CMA. It is an accelerated course through MATC so I will be done July 20th and hopefully test very very soon after that. I go Monday-Thursday from 5-9 pm so I have been blessed enough to have awesome friends, family, and ward members that have pitched in and have been babysitting the kids for me without monetary compensation! I pray that Heavenly Father will pour out tons and tons of blessings on them for their amazing sacrifices and service! I have also been blessed with amazing class members for school! They are a blast to be with and learn from and with! A few of us even carpool so I only have to drive up there once a week!
I am still working as a Respite Care Worker and love working with the little girl with Rett Syndrome but could do without the antics of her family but am thankful I have a job at all!! Anyhoo, after school got out I started working from 8-12 every day then come home and do homework and spend time with the kids then have to leave for school at 4:15 :( no bueno!
At the beginning of May, I went home early from work cuz my stomach was in pretty severe pain and after an emergency room visit, and an office visit to my Dr the next day, I found out I had gastritis from all the stress I've been under. So, they put me on a very restricted diet and a super heavy antacid and things are going pretty well now. I still can't have milk or anything greasy or spicy but I can eat more than just chicken and bread and water now! But, as a result of the super strict diet, I have lost (and kept off) 8 pounds so far. I know I would have lost more if I couldn't have chocolate still lol. Anyhoo, it's a step in the right direction and I'm very proud of myself! Now if I can just keep the stress at bay and not consume sweets I will be droppin the pounds left and right! I am doing much better about drinking water too so that's helped a lot!
At the end of May I started dating a guy from my sister's ward. It started out great and I felt peace and safety and was having a great time. Then, slowly but surely he got more and more annoying and rude but I also found out he had a very low self-esteem so I knew it would not be good if I broke up with him so I was trying to figure out a way to let him down easy. Turns out I didn't have to worry about that cuz he broke things off with me on Saturday night in a text message. Real winner!! Anyhoo, gave me a lot to think about on how I keep ending up with the same type of guy when they seem so different at first. And, it made me realize that I need to set a higher standard for the guys that I date so that a lot of this drama can be avoided :) That's the plan anyway :)
Well, that's about it for now so I will try and post more soon :)

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