Wednesday, March 9, 2011


So I have decided that blogging about some of my goals might help me actually stick with them! Kind of the whole accountability thing so we'll see if that actually works.
My first goal is about my weight. Which I think a bazillion Americans are "working" on that goal right now too so I'm not a lone lol. I currently have reached an all time high of 267. Which in high school I flipped out when I got close to 200 and dropped 25 pounds. I wish it was that easy now but I have the lovely addition of age, super amounts of stress, two kids that don't help me eat healthy, and my wonderful addictive personality! So, since I obviously can't do anything about the age issue, I can try indeed to tackle the other issues I've got stacking up against me. Stress: huge factor in my eating habits cuz when I am stressed I eat comfort foods like giant hamburgers and fries and sweets up the wahzoo! I can pay more attention to my body and emotions and when I get stressed I can practice the 8000 relaxation techniques my Mom has taught me over the years and just calm the heck down! Life does not end over silly things and I never know what the future may hold so I need to chill and enjoy all the little things in life right now that are amazing!! As far as the kids go, they really do eat well when they are given good foods. I just need to make them a part of the team and give them the power to tell me I shouldn't be eating that lol that will be a hoot for them and will make me rethink why I am wanting the twinkie or chocolate cake :). As far as the addictive personality I really just have to take that one day at a time! It works for alcoholics so I know it can work for a sugarholic. Another huge thing that will help will be for me to replace bad with good so I don't feel like I have to starve to death in order to try and lose weight! I just really need to think about why I want to eat the food I am craving... do I need protein to help my body function better, am I really hungry or just bored, did something poopy happen and I need comfort? etc etc etc... So, hopefully this will begin a new chapter for me in weight loss cuz something better work fast or I'm gonna lose it!!!
Goal number two: home ownership. In order to meet that goal I need a fantastic job for now so I can save up for a great down payment and then I need to keep going to school slowly but surely so I can eventually have a fantastic job and pay off the house sooner. Of course this goal can be aided by several factors like if I get married there would be two incomes to help make that a reality and I would be able to get through school faster if I was married too but we'll see what the future holds that way. In the mean time I can work on my saving habits and quit spending money on wants and only spend it on needs! I really have everything I need to function so if it is something that will improve things like the new cheese grater I need then that is fine but if not then I don't need it and I'm not going to buy it! I spent a lot of money lately from my tax return on stuff I didn't really need but it's been fun to use!! But, I have enough of that stuff now too so I really don't need to do it. My other spending habit is eating out. I can work on two goals at once with breaking that habit so that should be even easier for me!!
Alright here we go!!!

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