Thursday, June 28, 2012

Holy Crow!!

So I am feeling a lil overwhelmed again. I really need to remember how to not get completely stressed out about everything. Actually, things are going pretty well I am just a lil hormonal from having my monthly visitor this week. That's what I'm blaming it on anyway lol. So, to make myself feel better I am going to do a lil self-check in for the major areas of life so I can see where I need to improve and where I can pat myself on the back and say good job :)
    Spiritually; doing much better in this area than in times past. I can go to the temple and have been going weekly this month!! YEA!! That is more frequently than I ever went when I had my recommend 6 years ago! I do need to start reading my scriptures more consistently though. The reason I haven't been very good about this is that I want to set up a schedule for myself to accomplish certain things each day and I feel like I can't do that until I have my room cleaned and organized. Super not cool on that falsehood! I need to read my scriptures no matter what is going on with the state of my room!! Ok, now that I've righted that wrong I can move on!
   Mentally; I need to journal more so that I am getting thoughts down on paper for future reference and release. That way when I start freaking out about something I can go back and read again some inspiration I got or an idea I received while pondering a problem. I also need to start studying Spanish so I can freakin understand my coworkers and the one elderly Hispanic person at work. That would make all of our lives easier rather than expecting people who live in an English-speaking country to learn the language lol.
   Physically; I have actually been losing weight since counting calories! But, I need to watch my snacking at home and quit drinking the freakin pop again!! During the whole month of May I only had one or two sodas! I gave up pop for like 7 months a year ago so I KNOW I can do it again and that it will help me lose weight! I also need need need to exercise! I am getting a ton of exercise at work but it's not enough if I really want to shed some poundage before the family reunion in August! I want to stop having to buy clothes in 2x or 3x!! I want to be able to shop in the regular section of the stores and not have to hunt around for the "plus size" area! It's ridiculous! I used to fit in a size 14! I would be happy with even just an 18! I have tons of cute jeans in that size and would love love love to get into them again! That's only 2 sizes down from what I am now!!!
    Emotionally; So this is the area of my life that is holding back my weight loss because something is hurting and I feel like I have to protect myself still. WRONG! I am the most safe I have ever been! I am not in any kind of abusive relationships, I have an amazing support group in my family and friends, I go to church and have an awesome ward, I know that my family love me, I know my Heavenly Father loves me! I think that's where I have been having the disconnect lately. I need to get back to the basics and strengthen my relationship with my Father in Heaven so that everything else can fall into place. PROBLEM SOLVED!!!!

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