Sunday, February 12, 2012

Ahhhh the Good Life... or so I was told!

It really is never completely perfect in this life and the sooner I realize that then the better off my life will be. Things are going really well at work which I started on the 10th of January at Beehive Homes in Provo. I got a day shift from 7-3 so the kids are at the daycare in the morning for an hour and then an hour in the afternoon :). Works out great and it only costs me $40 more than what I was paying people to sleep at my house but that is only thanks to the State Assistance otherwise my entire paycheck would be going to pay daycare each month! Anyhoo, as things are settling in that way, Hannah has become a lot more psycho! But I was talking to a sister in my ward about her and she said her daughter was very much that same way when 3rd grade hit. She said she thinks it was from the growth that the girls experience at that age where they are discovering a little more of who they are. It totally clicked and made sense! Once again many thanks to a kind and loving Heavenly Father that puts people in our lives right when we need them as long as we are in the right place ;)

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