Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Strange Things...

I think the whole lack of sleep is really starting to mess with my head a lot! I really don't know what day it is anymore and time is passing sooo quickly that it's just flat out weird!
I have been working at the care center for almost a month now! Crazy I know! It has had its ups and downs as with any job of course. There are some great people that work there though and that makes it fun and I'm sure as I get to know people better it will be even better to pass my time there :). I really don't want to work there forever and couldn't afford to work there forever but it will work until I can land a great job with an IHC facility! That's the goal for now anyway since they will do tuition reimbursement so I can get my RN cheaper than trying to pay for it myself. I am getting really anxious to get started on it though so I might start checking into the Weber State on-line program cuz that is something I could totally handle rather than trying to find time to go to a class and taking that much more time away from my kids. So, I think I'm gonna look into that and possibly get the ball rolling. I kept feeling like now wasn't the time to start that but I think I was just afraid that I would be unsuccessful because of my past failures at UVU but had a huge success at Ameritech and MATC when I was taking classes in the medical field! So, since I know what I want to do and my success at the general ed classes will determine if I get in the RN program I think I will do MUCH better! So here we go!!!

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