Thursday, February 14, 2013


Like the title says, this is indeed Single Awareness Day (formerly known as Valentine's Day). I have really been feeling it this year. I think my biological clock is to blame. I turned 30 in January and that was really difficult to come to grips with. Especially out in Utah where everyone is married and has 5 kids by my age. If I were anywhere else in the continental U.S., I would be a tiny bit on the late side of getting married but perfectly normal. As it stands, not being married at 30 is strange and then you factor in the whole having 2 kids thing and ya might as well sign me up for cat of the month club! Sadly, since I am allergic to cats I can't even become the classic cat lady! ugh!
   I have reached a point in my life now where the stress of the dreaded ex is lessening and Hannah is behaving so much better than she used to so I don't know what to do with myself. I haven't not had something to stress over since I was 12! Which would explain my gastritis :) I really want to finally focus on myself and getting fit and happy in every way possible! I just got my tax return back and so I got a Wii for the kids and I. I got it on so I was able to get the console, 2 controllers, and 4 games for $150. Yeah that's how I roll :) Anyhoo, the kids love playing Just Dance at my sister's houses so I got Just Dance 3 for us to play. It doesn't take long before I start sweating with that so I am confident that it will be great exercise for all of us!
   Speaking of exercise, Hannah started taking swimming lessons on January 4th and she absolutely LOVES them! She might be part fish but it's amazing how well she is doing in such a short amount of time. She even behaves at school in order to participate in her lessons instead of watching them if she misbehaves. I really am proud of her and I really hope she wants to join the swim team with the rec center so that she can get great friends that have a common interest :)
   Anyhoo, hopefully now that I don't have to worry about the ex and work is going better, I will be able to get control of my home too! It's just a 2 bedroom apartment but it has been like a black hole lately! The kids' room is a complete disaster but everywhere else is mostly clean (yes even my room!). I know if I strive to maintain control of myself then I will be able to make my home a haven from the nuttiness of the outside world!
   One day at a time.....

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