Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What does one do with one's psychie when one cannot possibly stand another minute of their current job? I'm seriously going nutty working there! Is it the manipulative psycho boss, the lazy co-workers that never seem to want to do their job EVER, or the psychotic children screaming all day long only to come home to two children screaming the rest of the night? Whatever the case may be I'm sooo starting a countdown until I only have to work there from 3-6 pm instead of 8:15am -5:15pm! CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Sunday, December 6, 2009


So, Christmas is almost here... then BOOM it will be gone in a flash! So crazy how everyone (me included) spends so much time and effort trying to make it a perfect day and get the perfect gifts for everyone. I really wish we could do that for people all year long! Some people are naturally geared to respond to everyone with the "Christmas spirit" and are indeed kind to everyone all year long. Then there are the people on the flip side that are total crazy jerks in the frenzy of holiday shopping and way nice the rest of the year! Then again are the people that are just nice at Christmas time and jerks the rest of the year! Soooo nutty what one day out of the year can do to the mental capabilities of an entire nation!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Once again a "holy cuteness" is justified :) This is the adorable Isaac a couple months after he hit the big "4". Which is now his absolute favorite number and has to be involved in every aspect of his life :) When I tell him he can only do something for a few minutes that is automatically translated as 4 minutes. And since he's in the pre-k class at daycare, the new integration of the number 4 is "4 1/2" since one of the boys turned 4 1/2 a month ago.

He really is such a delight to have in my family and I am so grateful for him :) Isaac loves to tease just like his Grandpa and even gets that same cute lil twinkle in his eye when he's getting ya good!

Isaac of course has a ton of cute sayings that he has come up with and I look forward to recording them on here so that I won't forget them :) My very favorite to date is when I'm getting upset at the kids for something and Isaac will come up to me and say, "Mommy, you're beautiful." To which I of course say thank you and then he'll immediately come back with, "That make you happy?" Who could resist that? Then there is his new-found pride in speaking some words correctly that have been difficult for him, so he'll say them randomly with the biggest smile on his face: Cookie, Cake, Car, and now Cut and he expects a high-five right after the performance of each word lol

Hannah Banana

Holy Cuteness Batman! Yes this is my beautiful Hannah! Love her to death! She is in the first grade this year and has an absolutely amazing teacher!!! If we were Catholic she would so become a saint! She is really trying so hard to work with Hannah to make her first grade experience a great one but it hasn't been easy. Hannah was diagnosed with ADHD and ODD last year around this time. We have tried several medications and behavioral modification methods but it's a huge process and unfortunately working full time doesn't allow me the time Hannah really needs devoted to her. But, she's a trooper and is really working so hard to get things under control.

Hannah is a very very sweet girl and tries to make sure everyone in the family feels loved and has their needs met. When I'm having a tough day Hannah is the first one to come give me a much needed hug and pat on the back and the reassurance that everything is going to be o.k. (really who is the mom here?). Hannah also loves to dance and sing. Although I'm not particularly fond of the song she's been making up lately, which mostly consists of "I love you baby" and is sung with the classic pop start inflections. Then there is the hip/ booty shaking that a hula dancer would envy! Can't wait to get her in some dance classes and see how well she does!


So I've finally joined the blogging world cuz I'm a lil slow on the up-take but eventually I get my act going :) At any rate, I really love typing for some odd reason and I love sharing my thoughts because frankly, if I don't share them they just rattle around in my brain and now I've got to make room for more important things like knowledge :) And, if you haven't guessed I absolutely love smiley faces cuz life is too depressing if you don't smile!! So, here it goes!