Thursday, August 21, 2014

It's Been Quite a Year!!

    Super craziness batman!! I can't believe what a difference a year can make!! Shortly after my last post, things got pretty serious with an amazing man I had known for 2 years at work! He was a cook there and I always admired how well he treated the residents and he his food was always AMAZING!! He never really seemed too interested in dating me but was always a huge flirt so I never took things seriously with him. In May he started taking the kids and I out to dinner on Mondays which was his night off. It was fun but like I said I never really took him seriously about future prospects. In July, we went out to eat by ourselves cuz a sweet lady that worked at the same place offered to watch the kids when she was supposed to come with us all. We went to Tucanos and had super delicious food and then went to a movie and sat super close but didn't really cuddle or anything. On the 6th of August, I invited him over to "help" me put my kitchen back together after the water heater broke and flooded it. He ended up taking a nap on the couch lol. In the past I would have been offended that I didn't warrant his attention but instead I felt good that he felt so comfortable in my home that he could snooze comfortably. At the time he was working 2 jobs and working in the community garden that his church owned to provide fresh vegetables for the Food and Care Coalition that feeds the homeless. So, he really deserved a nice comfy place to nap lol. The next day, he got a second degree burn at work and called me from the hospital and so I asked him to come over so I could help take care of him and get his pain prescription etc. That evening we sat on the couch and talked with a movie on the T.V. in the background and he shared a lot of his childhood with me and it made me fall head over heels in love with him! He never let his difficulties in life turn him away from Heavenly Father and he knew He had guided people into his life to help him when he needed it most! After that night we pretty much spent every minute together that we could :) We had our first kiss on August 9th and haven't stopped since lol!
    On October 1st, we went back to Tucanos for dinner and walked around the Riverwoods shopping area for a little bit then found a bench to sit on. It was under some Christmas type lights they strung across over the walkway and the sun was just starting to set. Pretty much the most romantic atmosphere ever :) That was when he asked me to be his wife and I said yes!! I knew it was coming and had prayed about it long before it got to that moment and felt that I should marry him if he asked!
   The next few months were spent with him meeting my family and making wedding preparations which were fun for the most part. We paid for everything for the wedding ourselves but had tons and tons of family support and help especially the day of!! We were married in his church on February 7th of this year and had a short but sweet ceremony. He was a lil emotional and it made me love him even more!! Of course I was awesome and tried to put his ring on the wrong hand lol! And our flower girl was super cute and forgot to put the petals down on her way to the front and put them down for our exit instead LOL! The reception was a lil disorganized  but we did do our first dance even though most of the guests had left and we got cake in each other's faces like I always wanted to do! Nothing ever goes perfectly or as planned but at the end of the day it was more important that we were married than anything else!!
    We spent the night at the Hilton downtown in SLC and then left for our honeymoon in Los Cabos, Mexico the next day! It was sooooo beautiful in Mexico and we had perfect weather the whole time we were there!! It was by far the best week of my life!!!
    A few weeks after we got back, on the 21st of February to be exact, we found out we were expecting a sweet lil baby!! We were completely over-joyed!! We had talked about having a baby right away since we aren't getting any younger and wanted to be able to really enjoy our baby and not be old farts when the baby was older!
    In May we moved in to our first home! It is amazing and perfect for us! It was built in the 50's but the inside has been completely updated and repainted in neutral colors so it is calming and wonderful! It has 5 bedrooms so Hannah and Isaac don't have to share a room ever again!! WOO HOO!! And our sweet lil baby will have it's own room too :)
  Speaking of baby, we found out we are having a boy! That made my sweet husband even more excited for his arrival! I know he would have loved his baby girl if that's what we were blessed with but I am really happy for him to have a son to carry on his last name. We are slowly but surely getting things ready for his arrival which we are anticipating on October 26th :) We have the car seat and outfit to bring him home in and that's about it lol! A lady we used to work with said she wants to throw us a babyshower though so I have been registering for the basics and some fun stuff on Amazon and so hopefully we will have everything by the time he gets here lol!
     Well, now that we are all caught up on the major highlights, I will peace out for a bit lol hopefully more updates to come and not quite so far apart lol