Saturday, May 1, 2010

Hello again!

I know it has been forever since I've blabbed on here but life has been just a wee might crazy :) I just completed a 5 week block of classes that I had to double up on classes to complete my last block of general ed classes and start the first block of my core classes. Holy crow that was sooooo not fun! I was assured that there would not be very much homework for the core classes so I'd have plenty of time to get everything done. HA! Big fat hairy liars!! I barely had time to sleep let alone study for tests almost every day and homework every night and taking care of the kids and the apartment etc etc etc. So, I may have gone temporarily insane... I'm looking into it... Anyhoo, now it is done and I am almost positive I got all A's again so I'm very well pleased with myself for that accomplishment :)
The Hannah Banana is doing much much better since her medication was increased. She is able to concentrate at school and has been getting mostly smiley faces on her daily report card(a.k.a. small square of paper that gets lost frequently). So, I haven't been called down to the school in about 2 weeks so I am truly lovin the good job she is doing at school! She has been having some problems with her ears post-stud removal but enjoys changing the earrings (after her ear and the post have been cleaned). I bought her a couple of sets with at least 5 pairs and she has managed to lose at least half of them in the 6 weeks she had the studs in! But, she still has some cute ones left and is taking much better care of them.
Sir Isaac Newton has been doing much better since his VCUG and ultrasound. He is growing like crazy and eating a ton which is a welcome change! He stayed in the same size clothes for a year at least so it is good to see him sprouting up again :) He also comes up with the cutest sayings! The other day when he was folding his shirt and had it completed successfully, he announced, "That was incredible!" He also continues to tell me daily that I'm beautiful and then by the afternoon, "you're not my best friend anymore" :)
Well, my hands are aching from helping Karen and Nate paint their bedroom in their new house (congrats!!!!) so I will bid adieu for now :)