Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What does one do with one's psychie when one cannot possibly stand another minute of their current job? I'm seriously going nutty working there! Is it the manipulative psycho boss, the lazy co-workers that never seem to want to do their job EVER, or the psychotic children screaming all day long only to come home to two children screaming the rest of the night? Whatever the case may be I'm sooo starting a countdown until I only have to work there from 3-6 pm instead of 8:15am -5:15pm! CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Sunday, December 6, 2009


So, Christmas is almost here... then BOOM it will be gone in a flash! So crazy how everyone (me included) spends so much time and effort trying to make it a perfect day and get the perfect gifts for everyone. I really wish we could do that for people all year long! Some people are naturally geared to respond to everyone with the "Christmas spirit" and are indeed kind to everyone all year long. Then there are the people on the flip side that are total crazy jerks in the frenzy of holiday shopping and way nice the rest of the year! Then again are the people that are just nice at Christmas time and jerks the rest of the year! Soooo nutty what one day out of the year can do to the mental capabilities of an entire nation!